Monday, September 24, 2012

Halloween is Coming!

Literally just as I got out of the shower this morning, there is a knock on the door.  Well, great.  And of course the girls go running to see who it might be.  While I dither in the bathroom about whether I should try to get down there or not.  Luckily, they yelled up to me that it was a package on the porch and that the guy was going back to his truck.
They were very excited when they found out the package was from Grandma and addressed to them.  When they opened up the box, they found tons of Halloween literary surprises!  There were chapter books for Leiden, a drawing book, a sticker book, and younger audience books for Meems!  Leiden was especially thrilled to find the chapter books, as she has run out of reading material!
Thank you, Grandma, and Happy Halloween to you!

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