Saturday, September 29, 2012


Today was Plymouth on Parade, which Leiden's school was marching in.  We got there early, and saw these cool old cars.  These babies are almost 100 years old.  One of them was 1913, one was 1914, and one was 1925.  They certainly don't make them like they used to!  The owners were kind to let the girls sit in them to get some pictures.
We determined that Leiden and I would walk with the Elementary, and Brad would take Mimi and Mac to wait along the parade route.  They look thrilled.  It was actually really hot today and they were sitting in the sun.
Leiden handed out pencils to the parade watchers until we got to Brad and the girls, and then decided she was missing out on all the loot the girls were getting, so she wanted to stay with him.  It was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, in the second picture with mac in the car....What is that furry-- whatever, hanging from the steering wheel?? Looks like either road kill or a rather large MOUSE...perish the thought. All our love to you and brad and the Gatsby girls. MOM