Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fall Festival

After Leiden went off to school, we did an art project for fall.  The girls got to get their hands all paint-y.
The funny thing?  Mac's and Mimi's hands are the same size!
Then we took a break and went to get Leiden from school to take her to the doctor for her final check up to make sure her little system is back to normal.  She was proclaimed in good health, which I was glad to hear.  Shortly after arriving at my parents' house, she started complaining that her tummy hurt again, and having a little bit harder time going to the bathroom, and I got really worried.  We had just gone off the last smallest dose of laxative, so we followed the doctor's instructions and went back on for a couple days, and things seemed to resolve.  I do not ever want to do this again.  It has been a ridiculously long road getting her completely better.  She certainly has facilitated our family being much more healthy!

Kind of a slow week back!  I didn't even take any pictures until today.  This evening was Leiden's school's Fall Festival.  They broke out the bouncy houses and the kids were thrilled.  Mimi looks like she belongs at an elementary school.  Can you tell which one is her?
These jumping ones always scare me.  There are like 10 kids all trapped in a bouncy house, jumping and rough housing.  I try not to worry, but it really does scare me.  The girls have no such qualms.

1 comment:

David said...

First of all, we are so grateful that Leiden is feeling better. It has been difficult watching her suffer so. Hooray for Leiden!!! Mimi and mac are so similar in size that it is difficult telling them apart in that picture. Love these 3 little girls!! they are a great source of joy to us. Love Grandmere and Bapa