Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Eve

Snowbell was up to some serious antics last night!  She built a zipline from our fan/chandelier running to the bottom drawer of the chest by our tree.  Silly Snowbell.
Church was this morning, and while we all still had responsibilities, there was quite the festive air there.

Then later this afternoon, we found her on the kitchen table like this.   The first of the Christmas gifts has come!

We got kitty some little catnip toys to play with, and Leiden became very concerned that kitty didn't have a stocking.  She wondered how Santa would leave her anything if she didn't have a stocking.  We explained to her that Santa only brings things to people, and that we as her family can give her gifts.  She was undeterred, and later this afternoon I found this.  Leiden had gotten one of her socks, taped some ribbon and the letter 'C' to it, and hung it by the rest of the family's.  Sometimes I think I could die of cuteness. 

Brad took the girls out this afternoon for a stroll across the lake.  It always makes me nervous, but I'm told the ice was about 12 inches thick.

After dinner, the girls opened their presents--new Christmas jammies--of course!  We watched Muppet's Christmas Carol, and went to bed so Santa can come!  Oh, they are so excited.

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