Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I love this wall.  Brad is such an awesome husband to have gotten these frames together for me.  I love seeing the girls gathered around the pictures looking at them, pointing at the ones they like, and hearing, "Remember this, Mac?"  Even Mimi stops and looks at them a lot.  It's even better when I am consistent at replacing them as the months go by!  I think in the last week or so I've replaced 6 months worth.
Today we measured.  The girls are all still true to form, and here are the stats.  Leiden weighs 51.5 lbs., and measures 48.5 inches.  That's the 38th and 43rd percentile.  Yeah.  She's a skinny minny.  Mimi is still off the charts.  She weighs 40 lbs. and measures about 41.5 inches.  That's OFF the charts.  Mac falls in the middle, at 44 lbs. and 44 inches.  That's 79th percentile and 83rd percentile.  Wow.  We'll get the 'official' numbers for Mac and Mimi in February when we visit the doctor for a checkup.  It seems to be a very real possibility that Mimi will pass up all of us.

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