Friday, December 21, 2012

Teddy Bear Party

Today is the last day of school before Christmas break!  Mac's preschool class had a teddy bear party, where we were all invited to come and see them sing and have a snack.  Her teacher invited siblings to participate if they wanted to, and Mimi took her right up on it.  Mac's teacher commented on Mimi afterward, saying she did really well at the singing time.  Yep.  She goes to nursery and is a rockstar.

Mac brought Barnsie to the party.  Last year she brought her stuffed kitty, but this year they were told they had to bring a stuffed BEAR.

Mac with Mrs. Fagre.  Mac loves her and loves to go to school.  This woman seems MADE to teach preschool.

Leiden's class also had a little party this afternoon, but parents were not invited.  It's so close to family time, and I can't wait!

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