Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Miriam-est!

It's the Meemer's Birthday!  The big 4!

We started off with make a face pancakes.  Which really turn into giant pancakes with random dollops of cream and yogurt and fruit and chocolate chips.  Delicious any way you look at it.  :)

After breakfast, it's presents!  Quite the haul, here! 

The coveted and long sought after car seat!  (And I love that she's young enough to accept this as a birthday present and not only be okay with it, but be excited about it!) 

and games made up the rest of the packages.  She wanted to immediately play Hungry Hungry Hippos.  Good sign. 

Here she is, in her new big girl seat!  She seriously could have sat in it like a year ago, by weight and height, but we try to keep it all legit. 

We suited up with all the valentine's for Mimi's class, as well as the ones for her teachers and Ms. Dee...such cute little bottles of love juice. 

And they got to pass them all out and share with their classmates.  So fun!  Clearly! 

I leave for Vegas tomorrow night, and it's hot there!  And I'm staying in a hotel, which will have a swimming pool!  So, it follows that I need a new swimming suit.  I tried a little shop that has cute designs...but was fairly unimpressed with their fit.  I suppose my old black one will have to do. 

After school this afternoon the older girls worked on their valentines for tomorrow.  Mac and Leiden both wrote their names on each valentine pencil. 

They turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. 

Leiden not only wrote HER name, but her classmates' names on all the pencils. 

Friends are done, teachers are done...I think we're ready for the onslaught of love tomorrow! 

Tonight we headed up to Grandmere and Bapa's house for birthday dinner, some presents, and celebrations.  Grandmere ever so kindly got Mimi a duck quacking might have to disappear sometime really soon.  :) 

Simple cupcakes were the order of the day, with 4 candles! 

Wishes were made, and candles successfully blown out! 

Cupcakes VERY successfully eaten. 

We heard noises outside and when we discovered it was hail, we checked it out.  It sure was coming down! 

Happy Birthday, Meems!  I can't believe you're 4 years old!  I hope your day was fun and filled with adventure.  Here's to many more.

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