Friday, February 21, 2014

 Tonight was ABSOLUTELY a blast.  I am surprised sometimes at how fulfilling my time with Derek is...tonight we grabbed dinner, and then took off on a drive.  He showed me where he lived before I knew him as a teenager...he has a memory like an elephant.  As we were driving through his old neighborhood, he could remember who lived where, their family members, things that had happened...and he hasn't been back there since he left almost 25 years ago.  Amazing.  Then we took his hot little rental car out for a spin to Saltair.  We missed the exit going out, and eventually figured we would end up in Nevada if we kept going, so we turned around and then found it.  All with us speeding down the freeway with the music up.  Saltair was decidedly creepy in the dark...there must have been people working in the building...we could see what looked like red welding sparks in a couple of the windows, but no lights were on...definitely odd.  We finished off the night at the Capitol, where we FROZE getting out of the car just to take a picture.

He leaves for month long training next week, precursor to being deployed...the countdown is on.

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