Saturday, August 26, 2017

Driving after dropping the girls off this afternoon there was this glorious bout of sunlight over the mountains.  The picture of course doesn't do it justice, but it was beautiful.

This evening also heralded further acts of war against the aphid population in our garden.  They have INFESTED the plants and it's really pretty gross.  I now have to wash all the greens we cook with warm soapy water to get the little guys off.  Ick.  Jon took matters into his own hands with the purchase of a sprayer.  He loaded it up with a Neem oil dilution and went to work!  We think we planted the plants too close to each other, which allows for rapid spreading of the aphids.  The plants need a large, dry, hot (here) space between that doesn't allow the bugs to go from one plant to another.  Live and learn for next year!

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