Saturday, August 5, 2017

Play Day

We purposely set up the wedding day and the days immediately following so we could spend our time with the girls.  With our Michigan trip turned honeymoon coming up next week, we were very careful to make sure they did not feel we married and then just ran off, shipping them off to go do our own thing.  So we purposely planned the wedding for a Friday evening, and planned on having the girls with us until next Tuesday when we leave town.  This way we could cement the new family idea...and ensure the girls know they have a place within our family and that they are important.  So today we headed to the pool with Grandma and Grandpa G!

Jon loves the platform jumps!

Leiden tried the platform today, and I was so proud of her.  She was pretty fearless once she got up there, and pretty much just walked right off!

Grandma G bonded with the girls, too, doing hair, and making them laugh.  She and Mac got along well with joke telling!

We ended the evening with dinner at Mimi's Cafe, and then got tired girls home to bed.  I guess last night staying at Uncle Mike's while Jon and I had our night was a little rough!

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