Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Michigan Day 8--Boating

Today was so fun!  We rented a pontoon boat and took it out onto the Lake.  We were never TOO far from land, but it was pretty crazy again, to be out there in super deep water on just a little boat!

While we were zooming (such as it was!) around, we saw these beautiful ships sail by back towards the harbor.  They looked like pirate ships!

We were all fascinated, but gave them a wide berth.  I've never seen anything like them except in pictures!  I seriously expected to see a tattered skull and crossbones flapping from one of the masts!

We stopped along the shore in a shallow area and played in the water for a while.

We had rented a couple paddle boards, which I had never tried before.  Jon was far more confident on it than I!  I was mostly worried I would fall in and not be able to get back on the board!  Jon paddled me around, which was possibly even more disconcerting!  I spent the whole time nervously laughing.

Jon had all the confidence in the world, and went far afield!

I did take a turn on the board by myself, though.  I didn't go out as far as Jon did, but I did pretty well!  Best of all, I didn't fall in!

Later in the afternoon we set out again, and headed over near Mission Point where there is some wreckage very near the surface.  We didn't have any snorkeling gear or anything like that, but the guys took out the paddle board to see what they could see from the surface.

On the ride back, they had the idea to rope one of the paddle boards to the pontoon and do some "wakeboarding" behind it.  The pontoon really didn't go fast enough for it to be really thrilling, but they had a fun time.

Again, my pink hat and my rash guard MADE the day!

Towards the end, Jon and his siblings wanted to jump off the moving pontoon into the DEEP water, and we got it on film.

Jon said it was pretty fun to be treading water in the deep there.  It was probably something like 400 feet deep.  What a fun day!!

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