Saturday, August 31, 2019

Happy 10 months Zada!  She had a great time playing with the girls' sequin pillows this morning.  Mimi is really good at creating opportunities for Zada to experience new things.  The sequin pillows were her idea, and Mimi just sat with her while she explored.

We saw her holding her little music toy up to her ears, and we wondered if she is playing with it like she sees us with our phones, although admittedly we don't have them up to our ears very often!

The girls went to Swiss Days with Grandmere and Bapa last night, and Grandmere generously got the girls each something.  Leiden and Mac got t-shirts, Mimi got , they all got Zada a little dress, Jon a waterproof (hence droolproof!!) tie, and me a cool Halloween throw pillowcase.  Mac also got this cool hair thing that you use with damp hair and sleep on it to get waves the next day.  She wanted to try my really long hair,

then did her own hair to sleep in tonight.

Grandmere and Bapa were so kind to take the girls yesterday and they had a great time.

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