Sunday, August 11, 2019

Today was Kombucha Sunday!!  But first there was much playing and church attending.

Mac was thrilled I said she could use Leiden's grey face paint left over from musical, and this is what she came up with.  She reminds me of something but I can't think what.

First up in the kombucha production was preparing fruit and juices.  We decided to do fresh cherry juice this time, and that meant pitting cherries for Jon's juicer.  I did this before dinner.

During dinner Zada was playing peek a boo with her shirt,

and looking very pleased with herself!

As soon as Zada was down for the night, we began production in earnest.  The girls all had jobs in the bottle cleaning process.

The quantities were enormous!

These pictures are of the acai variety.

The fruit juices are put into the bottles first, then we hauled them all downstairs to the storage room and it was time to get the kombucha into the bottles with as little fuss as possible.  Jon removed the huge scoby and Mac held the bowl it went in.

Jon had purchased a little siphon so the bottles could be filled with the giant vat still up on its shelf.  This made filling so much easier.

Then after the brew was in the bottles, we used a borrowed bottle capper to fit the caps on the bottles.

There were SO MANY bottles!

It took several different iterations with the different juices and flavors, and Jon also bottled some for some of his interested employees.  It was after 10 before we were finished and the girls finally went to bed!  We are super excited to have so much to drink.

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