Saturday, August 24, 2019

It was peach harvest time!  The particular varieties we got are not late harvest, and some peaches had already started falling on the ground, so today was the day!

They are small, because the trees are small, but they are lovely!  Zada enjoyed eating peach today for sure!  I will probably end up freezing peach slices as there aren't quite enough to can.  Hooray!!

The weight cage came today, and Jon spent the afternoon assembling it in the garage.

Which turned into a full scale, much needed reorganization of the entire garage so it would fit!  Zada hung out in the portacrib watching the goings on.

And here it is!  Our new little work out area.

Most of our storage was reorganized, and that meant the Christmas tree up on the top shelf.

We are excited to work out again, and I'm pleased we got so much done in the garage besides!

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