Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The last day or so Zada has been clearly pointing at the ball in her book.  I have been looking so forward to this milestone because it's a super fun one!  She's just delighting us daily!

She has done it with less provocation than this, but it was the first I could catch on camera.

She's spending a lot of time at the front storm door.  I think she likes that she can see out at her level, and that she can get there by herself!  This was right after lunch where I had to really wet a wipe and scrub her head and hair with it to get the food out! 

We try to limit shows, but she definitely does watch them.  This is her face when the intro comes on. 

Leiden had a sudden hankering for apple pie, but we didn't have any apples.  I couldn't take her to the store because baby was sleeping, so she showed initiative and rode a bike to Macey's to get them!  I took advantage of the situation and sent her with a little list of things I needed as well!  This made her driving seem that much more appealing!  Plus the pie was super tasty.

Mimi is seriously the best.  She is really great at doing chores without complaining.  Today we needed to vacuum tiny things off the floor and Zada was very interested in the vacuum.  Until Mimi pushed it right up and touched her, then she made this face and immediately crawled to me. 

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