Sunday, August 4, 2019

Happy Anniversary, Jon!!  He gave me these flowers yesterday, but we forgot to take a picture.

What was particularly special today was that our family dinner was up at Uncle Mike's house in Midway, where we were married two years ago today!  It was the perfect way to remember our special day.

Much like that evening, this one was beautiful, not too hot, and it was so lovely to be with family in this place.

Zada took a turn on the swing with Joni and Thomas.

Dinner was crazy.  We put her in the high chair and for some reason she just started screaming, so we took her out, but that left only my lap to eat from.  She went to town on my plate, munching on pretty much a whole hamburger, potato salad, pickles, and whatever else she could get her hands on!  I was so messy when it was over!

Fortunately Little Miss fits in the sink for heavy duty cleanup!

I found Leiden and Mimi taking selfies, which they rarely do, despite Leiden having a phone.  It was super cute.

After such a fun afternoon playing and eating, Zada was tired and zonked on the way home.  Sundays are hard for her with her nap schedule and family dinners, and this peaceful slumber came after a bit of crying and fighting the fatigue.

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