Friday, August 16, 2019

Orientation day for the middle and high school today!  I dropped Mac off for her half day and she was mostly excited with a little bit of nervous.  I reminded her no one else knew what they were doing either, and there would be lots of teachers and adults to help.  She was smiling!!

Mimi hid in a box at home, and Zada was trying to find her in there.  Mimi asked for my phone so she could take pictures of Zada looking in, and this funny pic is what she got.

I picked Leiden up after her Freshman orientation, and she was smiling too!  She didn't seem nervous at all.  She's just not happy school is starting in general.  I think she and Mac worry about pretty different things most of the time.

Gratefully, Mac was STILL smiling after we picked her up!  Successful orientation days for them both.  She feels a lot more comfortable now, and it will only get better.

We celebrated their success and the waning of summer with lunch at Chik Fil A.  Mimi went in full unicorn costume, which was funny.  More than one person commented on how cute she was and how funny it was that she was wearing it.

Zada's first exposure to the tasty deliciousness that is Chik Fil A went well!  She ate some chicken and most of her fruit cup.

Tonight Mac and Mimi went to Grandmere's ward for their annual end of summer party with Grandmere and Bapa.  We couldn't all go because of Zada's early bedtime, but the girls went and had a great time.

We are off in earnest on Monday!!  Farewell summer!  This is the first year where I am actually sad to see them go back to school.  And not just because they help with the baby.  I have enjoyed having them around this summer and I will miss them! 

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