Monday, August 19, 2019

It's the first day of school!!!  This year is memorable, with three girls in three different schools.  We worked out a carpool situation where the girls are taken to school in the mornings and I go pick up in the afternoons.

Mac is starting 6th grade, and she's very excited.  She felt a lot better after she went to orientation, and while she will still need to get used to the layout of her school and how class periods work, she is going to do great!

Miss Leiden is starting out as a Freshman at Hillcrest High today!  I'm honestly not sure where the time goes.  It sounds so cliché, but I am astounded she's already to this point.  She has classes with her friends, and fingers are crossed this is a good year for her!

Miss Meemer continues on at the elementary, in 4th grade!  She's the only Macdonald girl there, now!

And because she's the only one at the elementary, she's the only one I got to go see off!

All three came home saying they had great days, and they are excited to go back tomorrow!

Tonight Leiden and I went to the mall to see about some new school clothes from Grandmere.

When we came out the sunset was beautiful!

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