Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Home Evening

Snowbell got into some serious mischief during the night.  We woke to find her on the table with a bag's worth of cherry cordial kiss wrappers.  They're Leiden's favorite.  The girls think Snowbell probably has a tummy ache today.  She'll have to rest.

During this month, we've been talking about the symbols of Christmas for Family Home Evening.  Tonight we finished the list with wreaths, angels, and stars.  Family Home Evening treat was making little 'wreaths' with round pretzels put in the oven with hershey kisses inside.  After the chocolate is melted enough to be gooey, you take them out and push an m&m or something like it into the center.  They are just tiny salty sweet treats.  The girls love to help in the kitchen! 

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