Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13-- A Light Show!

Today's advent activity was to go and see a house that goes ALL OUT for Christmas.  We drove along for a half hour or so, and there it was!  The pictures don't do it justice, as the lights are computerized to go along with a radio station.  So they aren't ever all on at once, but flicker on and off and change color in a synchronized extravaganza.

The walls of the house are literally covered with lights. 

For all the lights, it was way too dark to get away with no flash, so Mimi has been temporarily blinded.  She kept pointing out the window and exclaiming. 

I have been a bit worn out from our activities this season--I can only be thankful that I don't have to add an astronomical lighting scheme to my plan!


Tracey said...

Okay, so you win Mother of the Year Award! You are always doing such cute crafts and stuff with your girls...such a good mom! Your girls are so darling. Hope you guys are doing well!

Em said...

Seriously, I LOVE reading about all your adventures with your kids! You are awesome!!!