Monday, June 4, 2012

Big Girl Bed

BIG day today.  I think Mimi is ready to potty train, but she's still in her crib.  Obviously we can't even think about night training her if she can't get out of bed to use the bathroom.  So, I put Mac's mattress on the floor and hauled the toddler bed to Mimi's room.  Her crib is shoved off to the side, so I hope she doesn't freak out and want to sleep in it.  When I asked her if she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed, she said yes.  It's always a risky business!  Hopefully tonight will go well!

It was a hot day, so after Leiden came home we got out the sprinkler.  The girls run through it for a few minutes, but then the favorite game is always to pick it up and try to get everyone else wet. 

And Mimi does whatever her older sisters do.  This is both good and bad. 

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