Sunday, June 10, 2012

Out of Town

I have been in Utah this weekend--flew out Thursday night and will leave today sometime.  We thought it would be a good idea to use our flight benefits and have me go help my parents with the enormous amount of work they have to do in their home life, right now.  I didn't get in until late Thursday, but Friday we spent painting and taking a couple moving loads up to the new house.  Then late Friday night, I figured I'd get the second paint coat on the kitchen walls--at about 9:30 PM.  Now they will be all ready for the remodeling work next week.

Saturday, we spent moving larger loads with my uncle's truck, that really needs a new battery.  You pretty much can't turn the car off or you get stuck.  Luckily we were all kind of in the same place and my mom and I went to go jump the truck for my dad at the gas station.

I have now seen first hand what an indescribable process this all is.  My mom is trying to grieve her father, but is doing this move at the same time.  But it's not just a move, it's remodeling the kitchen in the old house so it can be rented, sorting through the accumulation of 35 years, packing, and hauling in small loads up to the 'new' house.  THEN, finding places for their stuff in a home with a 50 +/- year accumulation.  Cleaning out cupboards, shelves, closets, and nooks is hard work when there's sentimental values associated with many items.  The big and final move will happen in a few weeks, but then there's cleaning to be done at the old house before Madison and Joni can move in.  THEN, some needed repairs and small scale remodeling will need to be done at the new house.  It really is overwhelming, and I have only been here for 2 days.  My parents are strong people, and I'm glad they have the amazing relationship they do. 

They spoke in church this morning, kind of their exit talk, and my dad joked that they made a deal long ago that wherever my mom went, he got to follow.  Although they both know that this is the right choice to be tumbling their lives around, it's hard, but they're doing it together.

I'm glad I got to come help, and I so appreciate Brad for taking the girls for 3 days solo.  Brad is a great man, and I feel priveleged to go wherever he goes, as well.

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