Sunday, June 24, 2012


Mimi came down this afternoon and said, "Soapy", with her shirt all wet.  I didn't think anything of it, but sent her on her way to pick a book for her nap.  Leiden was going to join her and put her down in a few minutes, but was busy doing something else upstairs. (Isn't that funny? Leiden reads her a story, tucks her into bed, and sings her a song!)   I hadn't heard from either of them for a while, so I headed upstairs and Leiden was putting her down.  I heard the water running in our bathroom so I dashed in, only to find that Mimi had somehow put the stopper down in the sink, and had both the hot and cold running full tilt.  Water was cascading out of the sink and down the cabinets.  I quickly pulled the plug and turned off the water.  Sigh.  I started cleaning up the wet floor, when I realized that the water had run into our walk in closet.  I headed in there, by now having used several towels already.  As I'm cleaning up the water, I can hear it dripping under the floor.  Not two seconds later, Mac comes up to the bathroom and says, "Mommy, there's water dripping on me downstairs!"

Yeah.  I went down and it was dripping from several spots in the ceiling, including from one of the can lights.  Brad was having his Elders' Quorum Presidency meeting in the basement, but I called him up to help.  The guys ended up all traipsing up and helping us staunch the flow.  They said they had heard water dripping in the basement, too, and figured it had traveled down some duct work from the top level.  Mimi really did it this time!  Hopefully we won't have any mold or mildew problems.  Brad has rigged a 'tube' for a fan to blow air up there between the ceiling and floor to dry it out.

Kitty didn't know what to think with water raining from the sky.

Things settled down a bit after that.  We had a lovely outdoor dinner on the deck, tonight, and were spared many mosquitoes.  We like to play the 'don't smile' game, where you get really funny little smiles as the girls are trying not to.  Reverse psychology really does work!  Leiden can't keep a straight face for even a second after you tell her not to smile.  She is SO CUTE!

Mac is actually pretty good at the game.  She keeps a frowny face for quite a while. 

She always caves, though, and she turns her head to smile.  Maybe I won't see it if she turns her head away. 

Mimi doesn't understand the game, but she has awesome eyelashes.  Good enough reason for a picture for me! 

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