Monday, June 25, 2012

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

One of our Summer Activities is to have ice cream for dinner.  I had wanted to do it on the night school ended, but it didn't work out.  So tonight was the night!  Leiden has been asking when we were going to do it since school got out.  I made whole grain waffles to offset the craziness.

The girls were very excited. 

Mimi, in her haste, got lots of marshmallow fluff in her hair. 

Brad, not a huge fan of ice cream, was somewhat less than impressed with this evening's offering. 

When we were done with our bowls of ice cream, I was kind of kidding, and I said, "Anyone want a carrot?"  The answer was a unanimous "Yes!"  So we had carrots for dessert.  This is certainly not going to become a habit at our house, but fun to do as a one off.

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