Saturday, October 18, 2014

Breakfast With the Witches!

Breakfast with the Gardner Village Witches, this morning!  Such a fun activity for Halloween time!  The girls enjoy dressing up as witches.  This year, they were particularly excited because I found cute little sparkly witch face stickers!

First up it's breakfast, with the funny witches wandering around, saying hello to the guests and hollering at each other from across the room.  These women go all out on their costumes, and it's really fun to see what they do. 

Mimi looks rather homeless in this pic, but she and Bapa are so cute together! 

Leiden participated in the show, up on the stage. 

After the show, we headed out and wandered around the Farmer's Market a little, finding witches to sit by for pictures.

There was a man outside the breakfast who was selling these bubble wands, made of large dowels and thin rope.  They made enormous bubbles!

Then he used a netted wand, that made hundreds of smaller bubbles all connected to each other.  It was very cool to see. 

We love going places with Grandmere and Bapa! 

We also love the ducks in the water! 

I have never taken so many pictures of myself since Derek has been gone! 

After we wandered, we returned past the bubble guy, and saw that he offered to let kids try the wands with a very small fee.  He did it with them for a moment, then let them try themselves. 

They actually all did a really good job getting the hang of how to use the wands. 

They were all able to make a giant bubble all on their own. 

Leiden didn't even need him to coach her. 

The best part of giant bubbles?  Popping them!  And they are so big, so the solution literally rains down on them! 

Super fun morning!  Thanks for the fun, Grandmere and Bapa!

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