Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

This week at school, in addition to Halloween week, is Spirit and Drug Free week.  It's been pretty crazy.  I get that they were likely trying to combine the madness for one week, but it was not the best choice on the part of the administration.  Today was College Day.  The girls were excited to wear their University of Utah shirts, and I spruced things up a bit with cute red ribbons for their pigtails.

Mac is feeling better, today, although still not quite normal.  Definitely well enough to go to school, and she was upset about missing days.  I hope she can eat enough to have the energy she needs!  She was not interested in eating pretty much at all, yesterday, even long after she stopped throwing up.

After the girls were sent off to school, it was time to take Mimi to her preschool Halloween party!

She had a great time, and got a little bag of goodies from all her classmates.

This evening we invited Grandmere and Bapa over for an awesome Halloween themed night.  I made dinner, and did the famous (to the girls) mashed potato ghosts!  They love this and ask for it as soon as October rolls around every year.

Then it was pumpkin carving time!  Last year I did it alone, and it was pretty frustrating to be the only adult with three little kids.  This year was MUCH better!  It also helped that the girls are a year older, and a little more independent.  Mimi was excited to clean her pumpkin out.

Something about goo on little fingers...

Leiden and Mac were a little grossed out.

And Bapa provided the entertainment!

Mimi only lasted so long, so while Bapa helped Leiden and Mac, I worked over Mimi's pumpkin.

She was very excited to draw the face on all by herself.

I cut it out exactly as drawn, if three inches lower on the pumpkin...

Leiden's was a cutie mark, Mac and Mimi did cute little faces.  Super simple, and super cute!

Thanks for the Halloween fun, Mom and Dad!

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