Monday, October 13, 2014

Candy Corn

Mimi's favorite school days are the days with the Brag Bag!  She comes running home when she gets it, and immediately puts things in it to take the next school day.  It's very exciting, and pretty entertaining to see what she picks.

When I got out the Halloween stuff a few days ago, I found this kit purchased a couple years ago, and figured we could handle it.  I hate the foam craft kits that require glue, but this one is already sticky where it needs to be!

Candy corns it is!  Notice Mimi's name?  Written from right to left.  I don't remember the other girls doing that, but she's very young and I'm not worried.  It's fascinating to watch them learn new things and grow and improve. 

They enjoyed drawing the faces on them probably more than anything else. 

We don't do as many crafts around here as I used to.  Mimi will often do her own thing, and with the other two in school full time, I often just don't bother, but I'd like to change that.  Particularly BECAUSE Mimi enjoys it.  We are definitely in the right time of year for lots of crafts!

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