Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Final Take

More painting this morning, in an attempt to have the house done for sure by next week!  We are almost there, and it looks great!

Just yesterday Mac informed me that her tooth was super wiggly.  It really was, and I predicted it would come out in a day or two.  What I wasn't expecting was for her to run outside and tell me she had yanked it out herself!  She is now my Mac-o-lantern, which for some reason cracks me up!

In other preparations for the Halloween soiree next week, I got the spooky ghosts up on the beams, today.  I'm getting to be a pro on this ladder!

This afternoon we all headed out to the pumpkin patch!  For the last time!

This one has the tractors to sit on for photo ops.

New this year were the little wheel barrows for kids.  Fabulous idea, until they get a pumpkin in it, and then it seems like that front wheel catches every single rut in the ground!

Mimi has found hers!  I think we had been there for approximately 4 minutes.

And it doesn't help to try and take the wheelbarrow ACROSS the patch lines.

Leiden was a little more discerning, looking around for some time.

There it is!  And see that red on her head?!  They took baths, and that red sticks around.

My little bubs.

Mac is just thrilled with her toothy grin.  This is a fabulous picture of the Mac!

We headed to dinner after the pumpkins, and had a great rest of the evening with Grandmere and Bapa.  Thanks, guys!

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