Saturday, August 4, 2018

Michigan Day 3

   Happy First Anniversary to Jon and me!  I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by.  We have both learned so much and grown so much.  It has been an incredible year with many ups and downs, and we are looking forward to many more!  Getting married later in life is an interesting proposition.  Young people who marry seem to do so amidst a great deal of sheer ignorant bliss.  They have the opportunity to grow together, and we do, too, but it's different to merge two different households, styles of living, and expectation sets made much less malleable by years beforehand.  I think we've done a really great job coming together and seeking to join together and parent together in a manner pleasing to the Lord.  I am blessed to be able to afford the girls a much more stable home life now.  One parent simply isn't enough, and Jon has jumped into this dad thing with both feet and no hesitation.  I thank Heavenly Father for him every day.  I look back on that day a year ago with love and fondness.  It was the culmination of many people's prayers for many years, and I am so excited to be able to be here in this special place with him today, and grateful to be able to be with the girls, and this precious little girl to arrive soon.

This morning we headed to the beach again, and played while we waited for the family to get here.  The girls snorkeled for a bit, and got to get out their floaties.  They had a GREAT time riding the waves on them.  Poor Mimi kept falling off hers, it's terribly balanced, but she's a good sport and just kept trying.  Leiden’s is a veritable raft, and she was kind to try and help Mimi and eventually share with her for a bit.  The sun was in and out of clouds today, and I was worried the girls would complain of being cold, but we heard no complaints at all. 

Finally Tara and Grandma and Grandpa G got here!  We have been so excited to see them and spend this time with them.  We all walked out to the lighthouse together because the waves were growing bigger and bigger.  We were not disappointed!

At the lighthouse we had some awesome waves crash and got some great pictures and video.  The waves were incredible.  It was really fun to see the girls standing there looking out over this endless expanse of water.  They look like they are out at the edge of the world, and then bam!  Some of those waves hit hard!    

This one knocked poor Mimi right over, which sent her running straight to Jon for loves. 

Tara took this picture and I absolutely love it.

The wave in the video and pictured below was HUGE, and knocked poor Mac right onto the concrete, banging up her foot.  This ended in tears and an expedited return to the beach.  Despite getting hurt, there were huge yells and squeals of excitement and wonder as these waves hit.  They've never seen anything like it!

After the trauma, they spent some time spent playing in the sand with Grandpa G.  He was more than willing to bury Mac.  I have so appreciated their love of my girls.  They (exactly where Jon learned such a thing!) jumped straight into this (grand)children thing with both feet and have been so loving and inclusive of these children of mine.  It could have easily swung the other way, and they could have chosen distance and apathy.  I am so grateful they approach the girls with love and excitement.  The more people in the girls' lives who love them the better.  They deserve all the love the world has to offer, and Jon's parents are part of that.  Their open mindedness taught Jon the same, and he has blessed our lives beyond measure.

Jon and his dad headed out into the water.  I see where Jon gets his hands on approach with children.  I appreciated that Noel was just as interested in getting in the water as the kids were!  I enjoyed watching Jon and his dad out there in the lake.

  We didn’t get a picture of our rental yesterday, but it’s really nice, secluded off the road and very spacious.  We are grateful to have a convenient place to stay that’s close by and comfortable.

We went to dinner at a restaurant highly recommended by our vacation rental owner, and we felt only so-so about it.  There was over an hour wait to get in, then over 30 minutes for our food to come.  Grandma G kept the girls occupied with the myriad contents of her purse, though, and I believe there were more shenanigans at the dinner table with Grandma.  The ice cream afterwards went over a little better, although bedtime was ridiculously late!!!  

Bonus: no one lost their flip flops!  I literally bought each girl two pair to bring with us JUST IN CASE of this exact thing.

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