Friday, August 10, 2018

Michigan Day 9

   Today we wandered around Jon’s old stomping grounds.  We headed first to Yates Cider Mill.  It’s only August, which meant it was too early for apple season, but this mill has cider year round.  We got our first taste of fall with some delicious cider and cider donuts.  They were SOO good, and I could literally feel the sugar hit my system!
   The girls played in the water at the mill, and fed the goats.  They were particularly enamored with two little kittens they found wandering the mill grounds.  They WERE adorable, and we had to tear the girls away when it was time to leave.

These goats were hilarious.  We purchased food for each of the girls to feed to them, and they were funny.  They were I think a little leery of letting the goat just lick their hands clean, so they would hold out food in their hands, but back ALMOST too far for the goats to eat, so the poor animals would just be straining to get to the food.

Leiden's goat decided it would like to also eat the paper towel the food was wrapped in!

Jon took us to his old elementary school, where he attended until Grandma G started home schooling him.  The girls played on the new playground and Jon and I sat on the swings that were there when he was a little kid.

This afternoon we met up with Jon’s best friend, Dan, at his aunt’s house.  They live on a lake, and have a boat, and kindly offered it to us to use with the girls.  The girls were super excited to have one more lake experience, and it was so generous.  There were rafts, and noodles, and too big life jackets, and jumps into deep lake water.  Then Dan’s mom and aunt came out to the boat with a jet ski!  They again, very generously, offered to take the girls out on a ride.  The girls were thrilled and took turns zooming around.
   After we were done on the lake, we barbecued and had dinner with Dan until sunset.
   Tonight was our last night in Michigan!

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