Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Oh goodness...I failed my one hour glucose test, which had me super worried that I've developed gestational diabetes.  So I was able to set up a time this morning to go in and do the 3 hour test.  I was super glad they had a time for me before our trip tomorrow, so I can at least know for sure.

Well, the lab lady at the doctor's office wasn't feeling well, and was telling me she was going in tomorrow for surgery.  She drew my blood, then handed me the awful sugar drink.  I headed out to the waiting room, and about 25 minutes into the first hour, I was feeling good, which was unexpected.  I grabbed the bottle again, and noticed it was a 50g glucose drink.  My understanding was that it was supposed to be a 100g drink for the 3 hour.  So I immediately went back to the lab, where I sat there waiting for the door to open.  While I'm sitting there, I hear a woman crying pretty loudly behind one of the closed doors and I am feeling sad, hoping it's not a woman who has lost her baby or something.  But a moment later, the door to the lab opens and two nurses are hoisting the lab tech out of her room.  She is the one who is crying, and she is obviously not okay.  They helped her into a wheelchair waiting down the hall, and I heard them saying they were rushing her over to the ER at Lone Peak Hospital.  !!

I waited a bit for the replacement lab tech to make her way over from the hospital, and finally was able to confer with her...yep.  The lab tech had given me the wrong drink, and the test was void.  Not only was it void for that run, but I would have to come back another day to retake it.  But we are leaving tomorrow!  So now, while I feel for the lab tech who was unwell, I'm frustrated because I'll have to go the entire trip being super careful about what I eat just in case I really do have Gestational Diabetes.  Not the best morning!

This cheered me up a bit, though!  Mimi's glasses arrived, and they are seriously so dang cute on her!  How I love this little girl!

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