Thursday, November 28, 2019

It's Thanksgiving!!  And the snow is finally coming down!  We were disappointed all day yesterday as the storm kept getting downgraded and pushed back.  We had hoped for the 5 inches that were originally forecast, but today is looking snowy!

We spent most of the day up at Grandmere and Bapa's house, where it HAD snowed around 8 inches!  Zada got all bundled up, and as Jon was zipping her up, she just kind of leaned back into the table.  She was very reminiscent of the little guy in A Christmas Story!

She looked darling all ready to go outside!

But once outside, she was quite unsure.  She had trouble staying upright in the snow.

And made no attempts to get back up once she went down!

She only lasted for a couple minutes, but the other girls had a great time.  They were outside for probably over an hour.

When Zada came in it was turkey turning time!  We remembered we took a picture of her with the turkey last year, too, and figured we would continue with the tradition.

They spent their time participating in a snowman contest.  Leiden's was an alien snowman, which was hilarious.

Mimi's was a germ snowman!

And Mac's was a traditional snowman, complete with a snowy top hat!

We relaxed inside!

Mom set a lovely table, as per usual.

The afternoon was spent in much anticipation for the feast ahead.

Zada sported her turkey bib, and enjoyed playing with the magnetic tiles and running along the couches in the den.  I think every child who has ever been to my mom's house has run along those couches!

It's almost feast time!

I caught Mad taste testing the turkey and he gave it two thumbs up.

Miss Zada's first real Thanksgiving meal!  She was only marginally interested.  She didn't like anything I thought she would like, really just some plain mashed potatoes and a roll.

We were 17 strong, so there was the dining room table,

and the fun table!

Our delicious feast was topped off with my homemade pies.  The new crust recipe I tried was excellent!

Zada did so well to day with interacting with everyone.  She adores Thomas, but today she allowed Mad and Dad to hold her with minimal fuss!

We tallied up the thankful tree leaves before bed.  It's really fun to look back and see what the girls are thankful for.

I am thankful for this family of mine, thankful for all the many blessings Heavenly Father has seen fit to bestow on me and my family.  We are grateful!

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