Sunday, November 24, 2019

Primary Program today!  And in fact, Mac's very last one ever!!

Both girls did great on their parts, and the little kids were just super cute as always.  I sat on the stand to help children who needed it so I got to watch the girls up close.

That also meant that in moments of calm up front, I was able to look back and see Miss Zada running around.  She was apparently dancing to the primary songs, and playing with Benny. 

Just after this picture was taken, Zada rounded the corner and made a beeline for the open chapel door.  She has never ventured out that far during Sacrament!  I heard her squawking, but on the opposite side of the chapel, and I looked down to see Adam Davis carting her back into the chapel!

Mac had the opportunity to sing a trio part with two other of the older girls in Primary, and it was lovely.  A fine end to her primary career!

I FINALLY got my family picture outside of church after the meeting.  I want one all the time and all the time forget until after the fact. 

Grandmere and Bapa came to see the girls and they had a great time listening to them and being entertained with Zada's Sacrament antics. 

Later this evening we went to dinner at Pete and Susan's house.  We haven't been to their home in such a long time.  Susan is doing much better now, and we are so glad to be seeing them more often again.  When we got there Joni snatched Zada up and Zada was content hanging out with her for some time!  Joni even offered to hold her and feed her so I could have a break, which was so kind!  Zada tried all the foods and did great with Joni. 

Mimi got some new books at the library, and she really likes the one she started reading first, and brought it along to dinner.  I looked over and there she was, curled in the corner of the couch, snuggled up and reading. 

It has been a really wonderful day, and I'm looking forward to the holiday next week and our various celebrations and family events!

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