Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Quiet day around here.  Mac is still going half days, still slated to continue until after Thanksgiving.  Mimi found my old iPod in the drawer, and after she charged it I found her in the hall like this trying to see how it worked.

The elementary was doing a Parents in Education (or PIE) night at the school, and Mimi really wanted to go.  Mac came along and the girls had fun wandering around and going to each of the little stations.  The highlights included controlling a little robot, 

examining moon rocks and dust, 

and eating pie! 

Today the young men and young women spent the day fasting for anyone they knew that could use extra help and blessings, and Leiden had been pretty blah about the whole thing.  We talked with her quite a bit about purpose, and how to give the whole thing meaning.  After she came home from the spaghetti dinner cooked by the young men, where they all broke their fast together, I told her I was proud of her, and she said SHE was proud of her, too!  She talked about how she felt good throughout the day, and I'm so glad it was a success and she didn't just spend the whole day whining about being hungry.  Her friend even skipped lunch in solidarity, which Leiden thought was sweet.  I love that girl!

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