Sunday, November 10, 2019

Yet another Sunday day of NO rest!  Between ward council, the block, ward choir, and an interview for Leiden, I think I spent almost 5 hours at the church today!  Luckily this little bub didn't!  She was so happy just wandering up and down our row, grinning ear to ear.

This morning, right as we were leaving, I had my phone under my arm to hold it, and it fell out and shattered.  It fell completely flat on the concrete garage floor and there must have been a tiny pebble or bit of gravel.  I heard it crunch when it hit.  This has never happened to me before and I'm just sick about it.  Thankfully, the damage is limited entirely to the glass, and the phone works exactly as it should.  It's way too expensive to fix the screen, so it's looking like we will get a kit that adheres a thin glass screen protector to the phone, so I'm not swiping my fingers on potential shards of glass, and I will just get used to the spidering. 

After choir, Leiden was called in and extended the calling of First Counselor of the Young Women Class.  Our ward is small enough that there is only one young women's class now, for 11-18.  She accepted, and while she met with Bro. Holman, we played with Zada in the hallways.  She loves zooming with Jon.

Family dinner was up at Uncle Mike's house tonight, and we got there SUPER early...embarrassingly early, honestly.  I had forgotten that dinner was moved to 6pm instead of 5:30, and we were way early even for a 5:30 start time!  So we relaxed, and caught up with Joan and Mike while Zada played with toys around us. 

It was a really nice evening.  I don't think I've even said anything, but Aunt Susan has been very ill and deteriorating, so they haven't been to our family dinners for months now.  Probably since February or so, but recently she has been doing better and they came and joined us tonight, which was nice.  We have been praying for her and we are grateful she is doing better.

After dinner Jon took Zada upstairs with the other kids, and she found this darling little piano.  She was VERY interested in it, and played with it for some time.  

She would stop and begin to walk away, then turn and go right back! 

It has been a nice week and weekend with family.

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