Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Today was pie day!  Last night I combined the ingredients for pumpkin pie filling, but today I baked it, and made the sweet potato pie filling, and did the apple pie from the ground up!  I wanted to do a diamond pattern on the apple pie, so out came the pizza cutter and my rotary ruler!

It wasn't quite how I thought it would would work better on a more flat pie, or a softer filling like cherry, but it still looked pretty good! 

It FINALLY started snowing, so it was a cozy afternoon all around. 

Leiden wanted to go outside with bub and take some pictures.  I got some really great ones. 

Mac came out to see the snowflakes so we got a couple with her too.  Zada was not sold on her hat.

I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

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