Saturday, November 16, 2019

We had a pretty busy and productive day today.  Jon really got to it, and planted the peach trees in the ground so they could survive the winter.

Then he got going on the next batch of kombucha in the giant vat!  This scoby had grown in the bottom of the pot since the last harvest.  Jon had to clean the pot, sanitize it, brew lots and lots of tea, and add even more sugar!  Then this evening we inoculated it with the brew.  About 3 weeks or so, and we will have another production event!

When Zada goes up stairs, she doesn't go one foot up, then bring the other foot to meet it, she climbs them like adults do, which is funny to me.  I think once she's doing it on her own, she will not quite have the balance she needs to do it like an adult, but when we're holding her hands she just goes for it. 

My parents came over for steaks tonight.  We were going to go out to dinner, but we tried 6 young women and couldn't get a babysitter, so they came to us!  It was a lovely evening spent with them, talking and enjoying dinner.  Zada was really funny when they got here.  She got really hyper, like kids do when there's company.  I've never seen her do that before! 

This evening I started the curing process for cured egg yolks, which are supposed to be amazing grated onto pretty much anything.  The video we watched was very enthusiastic in its praise, so I'm pretty excited!  They will cure for a week, then I will dehydrate them.

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