Saturday, March 9, 2013

Research at the Mall of America

Mac's little preschool class does Minnesota reports this year.  They can sign up for whatever they want, then they must do research about their topic, and prepare a little 3-5 minute presentation for the kids in the class.  We chose the Mall of America, mainly because the research involved would be super fun!

We took pictures of our adventures there, today, so we could have a variety to pick from when putting her report together in the next couple days.  When we got there, we found the Easter Bunny there, just waiting to see some kids...there was no line, so we hopped right up!  This pic is funny because they are sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap with St. Patrick's clover shirts on.  Them being only two weeks apart this year, it's how it goes!

Face painting was next for all three.

And then rides, of course.  Mac loves the tummy drops on the log ride, and Grandmere does, too.

Mimi loves the carousel, and gave me this grimace when I asked her to smile.

Right before we left, we grabbed bags of cotton candy to divide up for her little presentation treat.

I think we've gathered enough information with our hands on research today and the internet!

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