Thursday, March 28, 2013


Good day, today.  We went down to Washington Elementary, where Leiden will finish out second grade, and registered her to start there after Spring Break.  She is excited, and the school looks nice--although the demographic is much different than her last school!

After Washington, we went up to Children's Discovery to pay the deposit for Mimi to attend there in the fall.  I got to see the director, Miss Dee, who was the director there almost 30 years ago when I went there.  She was happy to see me, and thought the girls were cute.  I happened to mention that Mac was starting Kindergarten in the fall, and that she was sad to leave her preschool in Minnesota.  Miss Dee told me they could take her for these last couple months of the school year!  It's only two days a week, but that's better than no days a week!  Mac is very excited, and it will help with trying to make things as normal and similar to the old routines as possible.  She too will start after Spring Break.  I am so thankful that things are going smoothly here and turning out so well.  I have many blessings!

I do have many blessings, but I am also living real life, which isn't always what we planned on--like today.  I had stopped at a flower store to pick some things up for Easter Sunday, piled the kids back in the car, and was feeling pleased with the day's work so far.  Then the car wouldn't start.  Out of the blue.  I have had it with car trouble!  My parents' mechanic, Dwight, sent over a tow truck straightaway, and he's going to try to fix it by tomorrow.  Ugh.

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