Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23

Today was super busy. Running around, and generally trying to pack in too much stuff! But that's what we're here for!
In the morning, the girls roped Grandma into putting curlers into their hair.
Hopefully Grandma won't mind that we put this up here! It was such a great picture, I couldn't resist!
We took a trip to the mall, where the kids rode the little train and then the carousel. I've never gotten such good pictures on a carousel! A natural smile for Mac.
A natural smile for Leiden!
And a smile, period, for Mimi! She really liked the carousel. She smiled the whole time. Miriam 12/23/10:
Then, in the afternoon, it was off to watch the Nutcracker with Leiden and Grandmere. I was fit to be tied when we got there, and I realized I had forgotten my good camera--I had forgotten any camera, so we had to use my phone, which takes terrible pictures. But better than NO pictures!

We went up on stage after the performance to the Sugar Plum Party, where we had our picture taken with Clara, the Nutcracker Prince, the Sugar Plum Fairy and her attendant. We also got little Nutcracker ornaments. After cookies and juice we were off.
Then, we met up with the rest of the crew for a carriage ride and dinner in honor of Uncle Mad's birthday. I didn't get any pictures of us in the carriages, but here's Mimi at dinner. She was pretty tired by this point.
The birthday boy himself with Joni. Happy 26, Mad!

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