Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7

I forgot to take a picture of today's paper slip, so you'll have to do without! Today's advent activity was to make and decorate Christmas cookies.

Mimi is not really participating much in many of the advent activities this year. Which is fine, because she'd really rather just lever herself up to standing. She's getting super strong, and she can do it where I never would have thought she could. She's still SO wobbly when walking, but the only way she'll get stronger is for us to walk with her. So hard on the back.

So, Christmas cookies. You have to understand, here. I love sugar cookies. I love how they taste, and I love that they're pretty and can be decorated beautifully, but for some reason I really don't like the process. I think it's something about mixing them up, then waiting for the dough to sit in the fridge, then rolling it out a million times, then actually baking them, then waiting for them to cool, then decorating them, then finally eating them. Is anyone else exhausted?
But. The girls literally love to help with them. They think that pushing a cookie cutter into cookie dough is the most fun thing in the world. So occasionally I bring on the exhaustion, and we make cookie cutter cookies--generally for some sort of special occasion.

The girls with their finished products.
I guess Mimi did participate.

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