Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

As it seems like every other day here has been, Christmas Eve is gearing up to be a doozy! Last night in the car, the girls had gum on the way home from the restaurant with Mad. By the time we got home, Mac couldn't find her gum. She has this incredibly...trying habit of taking out whatever is in her mouth, be it gum, candy, or regular food, and looking at it in her hands. Ugh. Well, this morning we found the gum and had to get it out.

Luckily, with a bit of peanut butter, it came right out. Good thing, because there was no way I was cutting her hair for gum.

Mimi was really funny this morning. Grandma has a tool set in the toy box, and for some reason Mimi latched onto the hacksaw. Very funny to look down kind of absently, and see an infant with a hacksaw.

This was my favorite run. This is a devious look if I've ever seen one. And living with the people I do, I've seen one.

She looks like she's going to just start cutting the banister.

She is getting so mobile, up and down, turn around.
Miriam 12/24/10:
And the Mac, clean hair and all. I must remember to put her hair up more often. She looks so much less scraggly when it's styled in some way.
Later this afternoon we met up with Jeremy, Leigh, and Iggy, whom we haven't seen in years, and in Iggy's case, never! I think I've failed to mention that Mimi came down with a cold a couple days ago, and this picture really showcases that. Grumpy face, smacking her neighbor. Although she also missed a nap during this lunch time. It was fun to meet up with old friends.
Later this evening we zoomed off to the traditional lights on Temple Square. We bundled Mimi up like crazy and insulated her stroller with a big coat. Also Miriam 12/24/10:
Here we are!
Opening the traditional Christmas Eve gifts, Mimi had about had it. Sick and tired, literally, of the day.
The girls, though, were thrilled with their new 'cozy' nightgowns. I mean they were THRILLED--jumping and yelling, and wanting to put them on right away.
Just in time for Christmas Eve bedtime.

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