Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Christmas Out

I suppose the benefit of having an artificial tree is that you can put it up whenever the heck you want. But it doesn't smell real. The day after Thanksgiving we put it all up. This year is in a new house means that I have decorations I can't find a use for this year. I don't have anywhere to put my lighted garland! The stair banister would be a likely place, but there are literally no plugs anywhere near it!

(Leiden helped decorate the tree, but every single shot was blurry. Mac was uninterested and instead wanted to watch a show.)

POTD 11/26/10: We thought Mimi would attack the tree like she does hair, but she was very timid with it. She looked at it. A lot. But hardly touched. She would reach out occasionally and barely touch it, but no grabbing or ornaments. Whew. It's hard to believe that last Christmas she wasn't even here yet!

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Those are really magical pictures!