Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5

Our ward building houses a creche exhibit that is very well done. The cultural hall/gym is filled with tables and decorated with lit Christmas trees and snowflakes. All around the room are tables with nativities from around the world.

Miriam 12/5/10: Mimi getting ready to go after her nap.

Here's a better picture of Leiden's lip. It looks horrifying, but we had a doctor in our ward check it out today, and he told us the same thing as the nurse. We have to keep it clean, and it will heal very quickly. Poor Leiden and her big lip!

We lugged Mimi around the creche exhibit. She is super heavy. I mean like really heavy.

This one was so cool. The picture doesn't capture what it really looked like, but it was a Dutch nativity painted all in the Delft style--you know, blue paint on a white background.

Mimi is our snuggliest. She'll often just rest her head against your cheek and sigh.

I think the girls were a little unimpressed with the nativities, but that's being 2 and 5 for you.

Leiden has an even harder time smiling with this lip.

I suppose if my life ended tonight, I could say I'd seen it all. Including a nativity made from balloons.

Leiden wanted so badly to dress as Mary in the little nativity dress up station they had. She patiently waited her turn, and then no one else wanted to dress up at the same time. So we have Mary, by herself with the little one.

Mimi got along just fine with some little nativity toys.

1 comment:

Macdonalds said...

SO so cute! I have never seen a balloon nativity- crazy!