Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Miriam 11/23/10: Mimi is getting so good at climbing and pulling up on stuff. It's astounding how fast she zooms over to the dishwasher when she hears it open. I can't have it open with her around anymore, as she grabs silverware--knives.

Or she chews on the racks. I guess that's better than grabbing knives.
Right before bed the girls were playing at the banisters--Mac actually got in trouble for sticking her head through the slats. I do not want Mimi getting any ideas. If her head can go through, so can the rest of her.
Pictures of the Day 11/24/10: Here are Mac's top teeth. Pretty cool.
She did great at the dentist's office. And no cavities!
Here are Leiden's bottom teeth...which are loose, by the way. See how close those big teeth are to coming in?!
Leiden also did great, and also no cavities!

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Those x-rays are seriously so interesting! You have such cute girls.