Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

The kids' place settings...upon further reflection, the glass cups were traded out for plastic.

The adults' table.

Mimi is always a little happier at someone else's house--different toys and scenery, I guess.

Turkey day makes Mac happy.
The girls before the feast
The food
Miriam 11/25/10: Mimi's first Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day!
I LOVE this picture of Mac. It's perfect.
Leiden looks much more demure.
I made a Maple Gingerbread spice cake with salted caramel sauce. Great if you're a fan of anise and fennel. As I don't like black licorice, I'm not. But it was different, and that was the point.
Kiddies and dessert:
Mac had wound down some.
Mimi got super lucky as Brad (predictably) gave her some spice cake. It would appear she doesn't mind black licorice flavor. I have yet to find something she doesn't like.
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with friends as we couldn't be with our families. We are indeed grateful for all the many blessings we enjoy and hope that you all had a wonderful holiday with lots of turkey and pie!

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Oh wow, that cake looks DIVINE! Honestly!