Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gogo Gaga: A Comic Strip

Leiden has been working on a comic strip. This was entirely her idea, her wording, her pictures, and the vast majority of it is her spelling. Entitled: Gogo (read: googoo) Gaga! A Comic Book She's even got down the tiny little boxes for each little part. (The typing is correct spelling, but no change in grammar, etc.) "Once there was a baby." "She was pretending to be a regular baby." "She actually was a superhero." "And her name was Mimi." (Love the wink.) "Mimi has a symbol." "And her symbol was a butterfly." "Then she heard someone yell, 'Help!'" "Then superbaby came flying there." "And while she was flying, she said, 'Gogo gaga'." "She flied, flied, flied." "Then when she got there she saw a building on fire." "And then baby saved the day." She is SO cute. It is so fun to watch her little mind work. She is developing a great sense of humor and loves to laugh. Even when we know how smart she is, she still surprises us all the time with her astute comments and awareness. We LOVE this girl!

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