Saturday, March 12, 2011

A (Not So) Lazy Saturday

Mimi spent some time at the front door today. She's tall enough to see out the glass, and the other girls were playing out in the front yard. I'm so glad they are enjoying being outside. I think Mimi would enjoy it, too, but she's so squirmy. We'll have to wait until it's drier out there.

They spent a lot of time out there today, which was good, as Brad and I were preparing for the production of the 'Early Evening Show', starring Johnny Praiseworthy and his sidekick, Ed. Our stake asked us to be in charge of the Youth Stake Cultural Event this year. Each ward in the stake was given a key word from the 13th Article of Faith, and asked to write, act, and direct a 7-9 minute video about it. Brad and I had to bring it all together into a somewhat cohesive whole, and we chose a spoof on the Tonight Show. This is literally the only picture I have of the evening--I was too busy running around, making sure people were ready for their stage entrances, following the script, keeping the girls in their seats, taking them to get drinks, and you get the picture.
However, this was great. We didn't call him Carnac, but that's what he was, envelopes with questions included. It was very funny, and the whole evening was a success. And now it's over! Whew!

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