Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Zoo!

Leiden had today off school for conferences, so we headed off to the zoo. That is certainly one of the things I miss living up here. Down in Eagan we were literally 7 minutes away. Here? We're over 37 minutes away. Needless to say, we don't get down here often. Leiden was so excited to spend some time with her little friend, Lucy. They are in the same Primary class, but go to opposing half day kindergarten times---with the same teacher! Lucy is in AM, Leiden is in PM.

So full of wonder.

Poor little Mimi stayed cooped up in the stroller the whole time we were there, except for at the fish tank. I let her get out and wander for a bit. She was pretty funny to watch up there at the glass.

She kept banging on it and would stand really still when the fishes came by.

Part of the zoo trails are outside, but covered, so we braved those.

Leiden has the wingspan of a bird I forgot to look at the name of. (And perpetual hair in her eyes. Grrr.)

And Mac has the wingspan of another bird I forgot to look at the name of.

It was a long drive, but it was fun to visit.

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