Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Surgery and Singing

Pre-Op smiles...we got up super early and headed downtown to the surgical center.  Mac is all smiles, now...I hate to think that she will be down and out for some time, though.

The surgery went well, and without any complications.  The nurses said she did better in the recovery room waking up from the anesthesia than other kids do, and many adults, for that matter.  

This picture breaks my heart.  She was SO out of it coming off the anesthesia...and for that matter, let's back up and talk about going under.  They let me be in the room while they put her under, and the put the gas mask on her face, and the anesthesiologist asked her a couple questions, and before she could even answer the second or third one, she drifted off.  The vulnerability was very sobering to see.  That there's something that can just knock you out like that.  Really it was bizarre, and a very uncomfortable feeling, to watch her fade literally before my very eyes, even though everything was fine.  Waking up is just as vulnerable, but in different ways.  She looks like she has HAD IT in this picture.  She did have the presence of mind to say yes to a wheelchair to the car as opposed to me carrying her.  I looked at her, and almost didn't want to take a picture of her, but wanted to be reminded of how well she did.

We went home, and she was so tired, which they said was normal.  She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and then literally slept for much of the rest of the day.  She didn't balk at heading into her room and sleeping in her bed at all.  She perked up a tiny bit towards the end of the day, but it was definitely a down day.  We are keeping Tylenol and Ibuprofen in her religiously.  They prescribed a narcotic, but hopefully she won't need it.  We shall see.

Bless Grandmere's heart, she stayed with the other two while I took Mac in this morning, and then she stayed with all of them for a few minutes while I ran to fill prescriptions and then to the post office, to send off Derek's package!  The rest of the afternoon was spent quietly at home, and getting ready for Mimi's Spring Sing at preschool!  It's that time of year, again!  The lilacs are blooming, and the kids are getting ready to SING!   Mimi got all dressed up, and matched with the lilacs quite nicely.  What a sweetheart.

Leiden and Bapa came to see little Meems, while Grandmere very graciously agreed to stay with sweet Mac at home, who was obviously not up to the trip.

Mimi is a cutie, and towers over her classmates.  I wonder when she'll slow down...At this point, I'm expecting some real height!

She was funny with the little girl sitting next to her.  The other little girl kept doing everything with her eyes closed.

That height discrepancy is about standard.  There are a couple taller, but Mimi has the next tallest by three inches at least.  She did a sweet job, singing the songs, and doing the actions.  She has come a long way from the first program in the fall!  I can't believe a whole year of preschool has already gone by!  My littlest is not so little anymore.  :)

After the program, we headed out to get some ice cream.  We got ENORMOUS shakes from Iceberg.

Mimi and I posed for the camera.  I have no idea what's on my eye.  It is only showing up on Blogger...fortunately I did not have a giant black mark on my eyelid all day.  But it wouldn't surprise me if I had.

Long, big day!  We came home to little Mac wanting Mommy, and me hoping and praying the night went well.

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